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The Kingdom of Nye with Heather Wade


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Chemtrails & Corona Virus

Submitted By:Jason in South Carolina

March 19, 2020 This is the first chance I have had to write recently, so I just wanted to say it is good to have you back on the air Heather! With all the residual effects that are starting to show themselves from these humankind chosen cautionary measures enacted because of the Coronavirus in such a short amount of time, while driving home today from work I decided to take a look in the skies out of curiosity over what I might see in regards to contrails and chemtrails in the sky. I figured with the airline travel surly decreasing there might be a noticeable difference. Granted this was only a maybe 20 minute snippet of time off and on while driving, but my goodness, I can honestly say I did not see one! Typically, there are always some up there. It struck me just how odd, but pleasantly refreshing it was, just from that respect alone, without factoring in any bearing on the negative events happening at ground level. Of course I would imagine there are some throughout the day, but I would urge everyone while this is going on to take a little time and monitor the skies during the day! The implications of chemtrails, as the years go on and on, have continually creeped me out more and more Heather. Did our government screw something up and make our atmosphere go out of balance years ago while trying to tinker with the weather and this is there sloppy repair work? What in the hell is going on? The questions go on and on, you fill in the blank, the sky is the limit for the possibilities. If true contrails react in a way like what a frequent and favorite guest of Art's years ago, researcher William Thomas, use to surmise, based on his research that normal contrails typically evaporate or essentially disappear within a short amount of time, then I can't help remember what your previous guest Elena Freeland stated, if I am not mistaken, that all jet fuels mixtures are considered classified and top secret by the government. Also, if I am not mistaken Elena stated that all jet fuel comes from the same source essentially for all the airlines. This action of letting commercial airliners do the spraying for them, for the majority of the governments desires, would make much more logical sense from a government perspective if they wanted to continuously spray something in the skies around the clock and avoid the cost, logistics, and be able to not be directly identified as the culprit. I am not married to any one particular theory, but I can feel it in my gut that this intentional and goes way beyond any typical contrail story we are fed. It just feels unbalanced and on the negative spectrum to me. Just like Art use to say on his shows, and I am only in my 40's currently, I too can remember a time in my childhood when the skies did not look like they do now Heather, and there was certainly plenty of air travel back in those days. One reason, but not the only reason, that this I think keeps concerning me, is that I work in public garden setting (I don't want to identify where), so being outdoors trying to put continuous efforts into growing plants the best way, which I strive to do organically, makes me think not only about my gardens that I care for, but all the organic agriculture land, (conventional agriculture land is typically already contaminated to a degree) and the places go on and on that could be contaminated on varying levels. Of course, that is only the surface impacts that concern me, it goes way beyond gardening and natural lands. I just think it is criminal beyond comprehension if our government, or whomever it might be, is possibly spraying us like guinea pigs, without informing us, and letting us at the very least have a truly informed democratic decision input from the public to let us decide if whatever situation they feel warrants this is something we want done! So I hope everyone out there takes a little time to look up for a while and do a little sky gazing while the airlines are a lot quieter. It would be interesting to hear people's thoughts on this after everyone does this in my opinion. Thank you, Jason South Carolina PS: Sorry if my grammar and spelling is not perfect here, I wanted to write this while the feelings were flowing out of me. I am also listening to Robert Rich's cool atmospheric song called Geometry of the Skies, so that is an inspiration also.