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The Kingdom of Nye with Heather Wade


Monday to Friday 9 PM to 1 AM Pacific Time

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Precarious Position In Telecom

Submitted By:Karl in Ontario

March 20th, 2020 So you know, I work in telecom. Critical infrastructure. We are working our nuts off. I got exposed to a guy with covid on the weekend. he's in serious condition. I have a weak immune system and lung issues. Have been coughing today and lungs hurt, but no fever and I don't feel sick. Here's hoping. I am on call this week and had to attend one of our Datacenter/ COs. because of my exposure, but not with symptoms, and because we are critical infrastructure. I'm here working tonight. Thankfully being an emergency response volunteer i have N95 masks and gloves and all that. I'm going to sanitize every surface I've been near, in case another tech comes in here in the next 24 hours. I'm so glad you are on the air. I'm scared as hell because of my health issues, and it is so nice to have that familiar friend in the night kicking around while i work. :D